Zardari rules out imposition of governor’s rule in KP

Islamabad: President Asif Ali Zardari this week ruled out the imposition of governor’s rule in Khyber Pakhtun­khwa, in an attempt to quash rumours arising from the recent shouting match between Governor Faisal Karim Kundi and Chief Minister Ali Amin Gandapur.

In a meeting with, Faisal Kundi here, President Zardari instructed him to work in people’s interest and expressed good wishes for him.

In a fresh message of threat to the Centre, the KP chief minister earlier warned that he would occupy the Pesco offices in protests against “unannounced loadshedding”.

However, a source close to President Zardari said that he had ruled out the possibility of imposing governor’s rule in KP.

He said a segment in the PPP believed that Governor Kundi should exercise restraint amid “provocative statements” by Gandapur. “The same message Zardari Sahib conveyed to Mr Kundi,” the source added.

“The governor was advised that the dignity of his office required him to avoid political statements.”

The source recalled that President Zardari had imposed governor’s rule in Punjab in 2009 because a decision by the Supreme Court led to the removal of Shehbaz Sharif as chief minister.