High Commissioner Zahid Hafeez Chaudhri highlights opportunities for Pakistani students in Australia

Canberra: Pakistani High Commissioner to Australia Zahid Hafeez Chaudhri this week highlighted opportunities for Pakistani students to study in the best Australian universities.

“Excellent opportunity for Pakistani students to study at some of Australia’s best universities. Fellowships applications are now open,” the envoy posted on X.

Australia Awards Fellowships: Australia engages with developing countries at government, business, professional and community levels. Australia Awards Fellowships offer Australian organisations, from all sectors, the opportunity to deepen and broaden their links with leaders and professionals in developing countries. By providing opportunities for Fellows to undertake short term study and professional development in Australia, they aim to:

strengthen partnerships and links between Australian organisations and partner organisations in developing countries, in support of Australia’s strategic development objectives; and

increasing the capability and professional development of selected Fellows to advance priority development issues bilaterally, sub-regionally and regionally.

The program is designed to complement Australia’s individual bilateral and regional development programs and long-term scholarships by offering senior and mid-career officials and professionals who will be in a position to advance priority development and foreign affairs issues on their return home. Fellowship activities aim to provide high-quality training, exchange of expertise, skills and knowledge, and opportunities to enhance networks on issues of shared interest. Activities can include a combination of short-term study and/or training, research, professional attachments and networking experiences.

Applications are accepted from Australian organisations only. Partner country counterpart organisations and individuals are not eligible to apply for Australia Awards Fellowships.