Bilawal Bhutto sees change by January ‘Only PPP fights for the rights of oppressed people’


Islamabad: Pakistan People’s Party chief Bilwal Bhutto Zardari is confident that the Pakistan Tehrik-e-Insaf (PTI)-led government will be removed by January.

The PPP chief, who has been campaigning vigorously in Gilgit-Baltistan ahead of the general elections in the automatous region has urged Prime Minister Imran Khan to quit as he had failed to deliver.
“In January 2021, the PTI government of Imran Khan will be sent packing and a people’s government will take over from this government,” he said at a rally at Sakardu.

Bilawal Bhutto said it was unfortunate that the dictators snatched Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, Shahnawaz Bhutto, Mir Murtaza Bhutto and Benazir Bhutto from the people.
He said that he has gone to smallest town and village in GB and saw Bhutto alive at all those places. He saluted all those who established PPP in GB and said the struggle started by them was continuing.
“Only PPP fights for the rights of oppressed people. The rights to the people of GB were given by Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, Benazir Bhutto and Asif Ali Zardari,” he said.

Bilawal Bhutto said that nothing was done for the rights of the people of GB till 1974 when Zulfikar Ali Bhutto ended FCR in GB. “Benazir Bhutto introduced democracy in GB in 1994 then in 2009 Zardari gave GB its first assembly, first governor and first chief minister,” he counted.
Bilawal Bhutto said the campaign for the right to rule and right to property belonged to the PPP. He said that he went to every district of GB and ran this campaign from Gilgit to Astore and from Ghanche to shigar and Skardu.
He said that PPP was the only party which included the demands of the people of GB in its manifesto for elections in Pakistan in 2018. Thew PPP chief said PPP was the only party which supported a separate province for GB, representation in the senate and national assembly of Pakistan and demanded increase in the funds for GB.

He said that the campaign for the right to rule and right to property depended on this election on November 15. He said he needs 2/3 majority so that these rights are materialized.
Bilawal Bhutto said the PPP gave constitutional and democratic rights to the people of Pakistan. The PPP is the only party which can give the country the economic stability.

“PPP has always worked for the downtrodden and marginalized people of Pakistan. We have to save the people of GB from hunger, poverty and unemployment,” he remarked.
He said Zulfikar Ali Bhutto had started Karakorum highway for the economic benefit of the people. he gave subsidy on food items, clothes and transport to the people of GB.

“Zulfikar Ali Bhutto established institutions like the Steel Mills to provide employment to the youth of this country. He provided free passports to the people so that they can go abroad and work there to support their families. Zardari followed the same philosophy and brought CPEC to Pakistan so that the people of GB, FATA and Balochistan can benefit from this mega project. It is unfortunate that these people could not get benefit but the PPP will make sure that it happens,” the PPP leader said.