Flag hoisting ceremony on Pakistan Day held in Paris

Paris: A flag hoisting ceremony was held at the Embassy of Paki­stan Paris to commemorate the Pakistan Day.

The event was attended by a large num­ber of Pakistani diaspora, members of diplomatic corps, media representatives and of­ficials of the Embassy.

Messages of the President, Prime Minister and Foreign Minister were read out. The Ambassador of Pakistan Asim Iftikhar Ah­mad welcomed the guests and thanked them for being part of the ceremony.

In his remarks, the Ambassador said that on this day in 1940, the Muslims put forward their demand for a “separate state”, a separate homeland where they could live their lives in accordance with their aspirations. Elaborating further he said that 23 March was a landmark day in the his­tory of Pakistan Movement. It is the day of honouring the valiant struggle of our forefathers for a separate homeland – a struggle that was provided with a direc­tion and momentum that began with the historic Lahore Reso­lution of 1940, later named as the Pakistan Resolution.

It was a great demonstration of vi­sion by the Muslims of the sub-continent as this Resolution brought them together with ex­traordinary courage and zeal to strive for a separate homeland and freedom that was archived in a short span of seven years. While addressing the guests the Ambassador said that it was un­der the visionary leadership of the Father of The Nation, Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jin­nah and sacrifices made by his companions that multiple odds were overcome to make Paki­stan possible and the dream of Allama Dr Muhammad Iqbal became a reality.