Pakistan has one of the most beautiful landscapes: Ambassador Jakob Linulf
Celina Ali
Islamabad: Denmark’s Ambassador to Pakistan Jakob Linulf this week said that Pakistan has one of the most beautiful landscapes.
“Being in nature increases quality of life. Denmark everyone has equal access to forests, beaches, paths, shelters & etc. Solutions that makes nature accessible & inclusive are binding Danes together. Hope this gives inspiration to Pakistan as this country has the most beautiful landscape,” he tweeted.

From the precipitous peaks of the Karakoram range to the fertile Indus River plain, Pakistan is home to a diversity of stunning landscapes.
Although its spectacular topography and fascinating history date back thousands of years, Pakistan is a relatively young nation, formed in 1947.

Travelers can explore both cultural monuments (lengths of the ancient Silk Road, the ruins of Mohenjo-daro) and dazzling national parks, alpine lakes, and scenic drives. Here are the best ways to get into that lesser-known, wilder side of Pakistan.