Good news: Italy is out of the covid-19 storm

Rome: Italy’s Health Minister, Roberto Speranza, stated that the country is out of the covd-19 storm during his speech at the Coldiretti assembly – the Italian organization of farmers.

“I believe that Italy has made it, I’m not thinking of the government but of the country as a whole. It wasn’t obvious, we were the first to be hit in the world after China, we didn’t have an instruction manual, we had to learn about the virus,” Health Minister Roberto Speranza said during his speech at the Coldiretti assembly, stressing once again the need to be cautious.

“We are out of the storm,” the minister added, “even if not yet in a safe port. I think we need to tell the truth, these have been the most difficult months in the history of the country since the Second World War”. And again: “The international situation worries me a lot, we are in the worst moment of the epidemic in the world, the general situation cannot allow us to say that it is a memory of the past. It will only be a thing of the past when we have a vaccine”.

Minister Speranza told the Coldiretti assembly. “I’m here to thank you,” he added. ” Without you Italy would not have made it. I think that the country has held up, it did not surrender”.

“We have an enormous responsibility, unprecedented resources, but we must spend them well,” Minister Speranza said, referring to the negotiations just concluded in Europe.

“There is a new awareness in Europe too. The resources that have been put in place are unprecedented, and so is the principle of the current accountancy of debt, there is the idea that for the first time the debt that is being built is of all European countries. The challenge is to do our duty well”.