Iran committed to promote ties with Pakistan: Ambassador Syed Mohammad Ali Hosseini


Islamabad: Ambassador of Iran to Pakistan Syed Mohammad Ali Hosseini this week said Iran was committed to promote ties with Pakistan.
In his message on the 42nd anniversary of the Iranian revolution, the Ambassador said Iran had emphatically extended the hand of peace and friendship to all free and right-seeking nations in the region and beyond.

“Thanks to the grace and blessings of God Almighty and endeavors of the valiant and resilient people of Iran, the tree of revolution is today more robust than any time before and the Islamic Iran is witnessing exemplary self-reliant growth and development; A development, that is based on the might of its women and men in all the fields from science to technology,” he said.

Hosseini said the Iranian people were firmly and zealously following the Islamic Revolution ideals, founded by its main theorist Imam Khomeini, and every year delightedly celebrate the anniversary of their country’s liberation from tyranny.

“Obviously, such revolution, with its just and right-seeking approach, wasn’t cherished by supremacist and oppressive powers, so they exploited any opportunity to blemish this revolution and afflict intellectual and political currents that are interested in it,” he said.

The envoy said imposition of harsh sanctions and maximum pressure against our Islamic Republic, especially in its high- point level of Covid19 crisis, unilateral pressure on neighboring countries to divert relations from its normal course, withdrawing or not fulfilling provisions of JCPOA, which symbolizes the belief and will of the Islamic Republic of Iran to resolve international challenges with peaceful manners and assassination of Iranian intellectuals, were just some examples of these hostile approaches to the Islamic Revolution and sample of their attempts to undermine it.

“Today, four decades after the Islamic Revolution, we are witnessing that the people of Iran, especially Iranian youth, with a serious determination to progress and firm believe to the values of Islamic principles, strive for the betterment and prosperity of their country and stand against unilateralism and external pressure as well as corruption, and injustice. This determination, have created a bright and hopeful horizon for our dear Iran,” Ambassador Hosseini said.

At the end, he said: “I emphasize that the Islamic Republic of Iran has extended the hand of peace and friendship to all free and right-seeking nations in the region and beyond, and calls for the realization of true human dignity related values. The Islamic Republic of Iran is encouraging materialization of this ideal and pursuing common interests in the region and the world.”