Senator Rehman Malik greets Joe Biden


Islamabad: Chairman Senate Standing Committee on Interior and former Interior Minister Senator A. Rehman Malik has written a letter to US President elect Joe Biden and has extended him heartiest congratulations over his victory in elections.

In his letter, Senator A. Rehman Malik has extended best wishes to President elect Joe Biden and writes “I warmly extend heartiest congratulations upon your landmark victory in elections. I am confident that your success means a march towards a peaceful world, promising freedom and prosperity for all.”

He writes that in reminiscence of the Pakistan’s long standing cooperation with USA against USSR since fifties, Pakistan fought side by side with USA during Cold War battle after battle, whereas, India abandoned its Non-Aligned policy and became a Soviet surrogate in the region, and with undeniable Soviet support, conspired and dismembered Pakistan in 1971.

He adds that when the Soviet tanks rolled into Afghanistan in 1979, threatening the free world’s frontiers, Pakistan stood by with USA and fought one of the most significant Guerilla War that routed the Soviets from Afghanistan. He expressed “in return, Pakistan bore the brunt of unbridled militancy and a tide of millions of Afghan refugees, that till date remains an unbearable burden on Pakistan’s economy. The ungoverned space left behind by USA provided space of all sorts of non-state actors, who also infiltrated into Pakistan through its long Pak-Afghan borders. With generation of militants, who had been radicalized to function as ferocious Jihadists, were also threatening Pakistan’s internal stability, and plunging its economy, while freely mingling with the Afghan refugees, and providing breeding grounds for today’s Al-Qaida adding it was a matter of time that this all would blow-back, and it did on 9/11.”

“Unfortunate and barbaric as it was, none of the actor was a Pakistani, or Afghani, nor trained or incubated in Pakistan or Afghanistan, yet, Pakistan was branded as Al-Qaida’s sympathizer, that only benefited and appeased India. Irony is, that India, who had been till the end been playing Soviet surrogate, nurturing and promoting terrorism through covert operations in the region, such as in East Pakistan and later in Sri Lanka, soon found a cozy berth with USA”, reads Senator A. Rehman Malik letter.

He highlights that Pakistan is now confronted with the hybrid warfare unleashed by India, while India continues to support Daesh, under full gaze of the world bodies, and UN yet India remains unanswerable. He writes that if left unchecked, India under direction of its Prime Minister Modi, is all set to plunge the world into WW-III.

Senator A. Rehman Malik in his letter has urged US President to please revisit intelligence briefings as to Pakistan has been continuously suffering from the day we decided stand by the side of USA against USSR and subsequently American war on terror adding the suffering in terms of irreversible human and finical loss is a matter of public record. He reminds him the cooperation of Pakistan when Mr. Joe Biden was the Chairman US Senate Committee on Foreign Relations and subsequently as Vice President as to how sincerely Pakistan had supported US war on terror and even at risked the violation of Pakistan’s sovereignty. He writes that the cries of innocent wounded children, innocent victims of drones and multiple sucide attacks causing huge number of killings just because of our alliance with USA, call for justice.

The former Interior Minister expresses that with the above history of friendship, sacrifices in American war on terror, and our consistent support in Afghanistan, we (Pakistanis) should have been the preferred friend in this region but we feel neglected while India is still getting preferential treatment. He writes “I have worked very closely with USA administration during your tenure as Vice President and had the honour of interacting with you and other administrative and operation levels and always found you a kind and visionary leader and I hope you will take personal interest to compensate Pakistan with high standards of friendship at equal level based on our past sacrifice already fully in your notice.”

Senator Rehman Malik states in his letter that we Pakistanis do not want monitory gains but recognition of our sacrifice and selfless friendship and move forward to help you make this world more peaceful following the principle of interfaith harmony earlier initiated by President Barak Obama, whereof, in the presence of Secretary State Condoleezza Rice, I had suggested that we need to have a common strategy to fight our common enemy.

He urges that to get the world on one point agenda of restoring peace and get rid of Daesh, Al-Qaeda, TTP, Boko Haram, RSS and white movements which are the real spoiler parasites attributing crime against humanity.