Italy’s Meloni: Economic and social rebirth is an essential investment

Rome: “Eight years ago the catastrophic earthquake that devastated Central Italy. The terrible shock at 3,36am, fixed in the minds of each of us by the stopped clock of the Civic Tower of Amatrice, triggered a seismic sequence which spread its destructive effects for several months to follow and involved a very vast territory of the our nation”, declared the Prime Minister, Giorgia Meloni, on the occasion of the eighth anniversary of the earthquake in Central Italy.

“We will never forget the night of August 24, 2016. The images of the catastrophe, the destroyed villages, the pain and anguish of our compatriots, the heroism of the rescuers are pieces of a collective memory that time will not affect. On this anniversary we remember those who are no longer with us and we join the families and loved ones of the victims: you have never been alone, and Italy is and will always be at your side,” she added.

“Creating safe places, developing cutting-edge projects, guaranteeing infrastructure to combat isolation, supporting businesses and productive activities: this is the strategy that the government has undertaken and is pursuing with great determination. The teamwork between the Minister for Civil Protection Musumeci, Commissioner Castelli, the Regions involved and the 138 Municipalities of the crater has brought about a change of pace and the renewed institutional cohesion around the objective of reconstruction is an added value to be preserved. The economic and social rebirth of the central Apennines is not only a duty for those who have always loved and lived here, but an essential investment for the entire nation”, PM Meloni said.