Italy confirms commitment to water management in Pakistan
Celina Ali
Islamabad: The Ambassador of Italy to Pakistan Marilina Armellin this week signed the agreement with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) for the initiative ‘Water for Development: supporting sustainable mountain development and adaptation policies’.

The initiative, funded by the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS), aims to increase the climate change adaptation capacity of communities in order to help improve the management of natural resources and the livelihoods of the most vulnerable groups.

The Ambassador underlines the importance of this initiative implemented by Undp in partnership with the EvK2-CNR Association and confirms Italy’s commitment to a more inclusive and sustainable society.

Community resilience is indeed a key element of development, and this project’s activities will help improve the living and economic conditions of the population living in the country’s mountainous areas, where the world’s third largest freshwater reserve is located. Focusing on women and young people, with the promotion of environmental protection policies and the provision of services, the aim is to preserve the quality of water, a fundamental resource for life, by promoting its sustainable use in agriculture.