Denmark keen to support Pakistan in green energy transition: Ambassador Jacob Linluf

Celina Ali

Islamabad: The government of Denmark is keen to support Pakistan’s transition to sustainable energy and both the countries in the recent past have expressed their commitment for long-term partnership by signing a number of agreements and exchanging visits of experts.

Ambassador of Denmark Jacob Linluf in a meeting with Interim Minister for Energy Muhammad Ali this week reiterated his government’s commitment to help Pakistan meet its energy challenges.

The meeting held at the at the Power Division discussed a wide range of issues ranging from utilizing Pakistan’s potential in alternate sources of energy such as wind, solar and hydro to energy conservation and adaptation.

The ambassador noted there had been an increase in the bilateral trade between Pakistan and Denmark particularly in the textile and sports sectors but now our focus is on strengthening the bilateral relations in the green and sustainable energy sector. This will extend to the energy conservation measures in Pakistan as well, said the ambassador

The Minister for Energy expressed gratitude to the Danish ambassador and the Danish companies for extending cooperation to Pakistan. We need to learn from Denmark how it has reduced dependence on fossil fuel and adopted cheaper, more sustainable sources of energy, said he.

Both sides also discussed projects and initiatives being carried out under the Danish Energy Transition Initiative (DETI) and Investment Fund (IFU), a fund for developing countries by Denmark.