Ali Rehman Malik calls for collective efforts for peace
Abdullah Jan
Islamabad: Chairman Institute of Research and Reforms (IRR) Ali Rehman Malik this week stressed collective efforts for peace regardless of race, sect, gender or any prejudice.
In his message on the occasion of the International Day of Peace, he said, “My thoughts and prayers are with those around the world who are deprived of peace and are facing oppression and terror in any form at the hands of the misguided and lost.”

Ali Malik said, “Peace should be a state of normalcy.” He said that we are all one people separated by distinctions of states and ideologies. It is utilitarian of course but until we truly see our fellow humans as fellow travellers to the grave, we will forever be locked in conflict and competition, he added.
Ali Rehman Malik who is active in humanitarian services, especially working for the welfare, education, and better livelihood of the underprivileged children who have lost their parents due to terrorism.
He said his heart breaks when he sees young orphans deprived of their father’s love who have lost their parents in cruel and tragic acts like terrorism.

Referring to his visit to Zainabiya Academy, an orphanage for children who are victims of terrorism, Ali Rehman Malik said that he doesn’t understand how those that carry out acts of terror and brutality, depriving innocent young children of their parents cannot see it as anything but vicious and utterly utterly malign.

He added: “No matter how hard they try to sanctify it in their minds. What wrong has this innocent children committed to feel this much despair at such a young age? “