Denmark to offer Covid and influenza booster vaccines to over-65s
Celina Ali
Copenhagen: Danish residents over the age of 65 will be offered a Covid booster vaccine for the third year this autumn, with an influenza booster also available at the point of service.
The autumn vaccination campaign was announced by Danske Regioner, the national organisation for the regional health authorities, in a statement.
An invitation for the vaccines will be sent to eligible persons via the secure digital mail service e-Boks, or by physical letter, the health authority said.
Vaccinations can be given at pharmacies and regional vaccination centres from October 1st and will remain available until January 15th next year.
“It must be easy for Danes [people who live in Denmark, ed.] to be vaccinated and the opening times and geographical distribution of pharmacies will help with that. I’m therefore pleased that they will be helping us to fulfil the task of vaccination against influenza and Covid-19 that begins this autumn,” Danske Regioner chairperson Anders Kühnau said in the statement.