Collective efforts needed to cope with climate change: Ambassador Jakob Linulf
Covert Report
Karachi: Ambassador of Denmark to Pakistan Jakob Linulf this week said collective efforts were needed to cope with the effects climate change.
In a media interaction during a visit to the Pakistani Wind Corridor in Jhimpir, accompanied by a delegation of a Danish Energy Agency (DEA) led by its Director Global Cooperation Ulrik Eversbusch, the Ambassador said Denmark had an ample expertise in renewable energy and energy efficiency.
The visit of delegation was aimed at to find specific activities that could be carried out jointly, he said and added “We can help Pakistan in generation energy from renewable sources”.
To a question about an agreement signed between Denmark and Pakistan regarding cooperation in renewable and sustainable energy, Jakob Linulf said the agreement was signed about one and a half month ago to collaborate for a sustainable future.
DEA Director Global Cooperation Ulrik Eversbusch said Denmark was primarily working with Pakistan’s Ministry of Energy while many other agencies including NEPRA were also being collaborated by Denmark. He said Pakistan could benefit from the experience of Danish Energy Transition Initiative.
About 50 years ago Denmark was also in a situation when it was totally dependent on foreign oil for its power production and then it turned the situation around.
Ulrik said in next five years Denmark’s 100% of power generation would be from renewable sources. The transition Denmark has been through would help Pakistan to transform its energy sector. About future prospects of Danish-Pakistani collaboration on energy, he said the long term planning was the key which would lead to win the most needed confidence of investors. It merits to be mentioned that the Government of Pakistan has adopted an ambitious policy for alternative and renewable energy (ARE)in order to transform Pakistan’s energy sector and generate 60% of all energy through clean and renewable sources by 2030. In order to support Pakistan’s green transition, the Government of Denmark has entered into a collaboration with Pakistan whereas the relevant technical authorities will exchange knowledge and the Danish authorities will provide technical assistance under the new initiative, Danish Energy Transition Initiative (DETI).