Ambassador Jakob Linulf expresses sympathy with Pakistan over devastating floods
Staff Writer
Islamabad: Ambassador-designate of Denmark to Pakistan Jakob Linulf this week expresses sympathy with Pakistan over the devastating floods.
“Honored to be the newly appointed Ambassador of Denmark to Pakistan. Shocked to see havoc by #FloodsinPakistan. My 1st action inPakistan, went to EDHI to donate essential items from Embassy! Denmark is 6th biggest donor to @UNCERF in addition to humanitarian aid of 10m DKK,” he tweeted.

The Government of Denmark earlier announced 10 million Danish Krone (DKK) in immediate humanitarian aid to Pakistan’s flood victims.
According to a tweet shared by Denmark Embassy in Islamabad, the announcement was made by the Danish Minister for Development Cooperation Flemming Møller Mortensen.
The Minister stated that Pakistan was under water due to devastating floods and underlined Denmark’s deep concerns about the climate crisis in Pakistan.