Ambassador Lis Rosenholm celebrates Constitution Day of Denmark
Islamabad: Ambassador of Denmark in Pakistan Lis Rosenholm this week celebrated the Constitution Day of Denmark.
The envoy hosted a reception to mark the important day in the Denmark calendar.
Constitution Day is observed in Denmark on June 5. The day honors the Constitution of Denmark, as both the first constitution of 1849 and the current constitution of 1953 were signed on this date of their respective years.
Denmark is one of only a handful countries in the world not to have an official national day, but Constitution Day is sometimes considered the equivalent of such a day. It is also widely considered to be a day for celebrating Danish democracy.
Though it has never been an official national holiday, Constitution Day was a half-day off work from 1891 until 1975. Since then, collective labor agreements have usually given workers a half-day or the whole day off on Constitution Day.

Stores with an annual turnover of at most 34.9 million kroner can stay open on Constitution Day, but all other stores must keep closed.
The day is widely celebrated throughout Denmark with church congregations, associations and political organizations meeting for what are essentially “secular services”.
These services include the raising of the Dannebrog (the Danish flag), a short speech by a local politician or celebrity, and collective singing (Danish: fællessang).