Italy: Naples only Italy destination on CNN Travel wish list in 2022


Naples: Naples is the only Italian destination on the CNN Travel wish list of best places to go in 2022.

The annual list of “dream destinations”, which includes national parks and remote islands, pays tribute to the “energetic vibes of booming Naples, the Italian birthplace of pizza.”

Citing its ancient ruins beneath modern suburbs, its sassy hotels and “scooters zigzagging past faded-glory palazzos”, the guide describes the centro storico of Naples as “pulsating with energy.”

“Areas which were previously considered no-go for tourists are finally being seen in a different light” – writes CNN – “The Sanità district, once looked down on, is now the place to be”, thanks to its catacombs and cutting-edge art at the former royal palace of Capodimonte.

CNN promises that Naples has “more to come” on the archaeological front this year, while outside the city Pompeii continues to unveil newly excavated ruins and innovations such as a shuttle bus between lesser-known ancient villas.

Lastly, the guide looks offshore to highlight the island of Procida, Italy’s Capital of Culture for 2022.

The international recognition of Napoli comes as audiences around the world are watching the Netflix movie The Hand of God (È stata la mano di Dio) which features Naples as its backdrop.

The film, a largely autobiographical tale by award-winning Neapolitan director Paolo Sorrentino, is up for a Golden Globe and has also been shortlisted for an Oscar nomination.