Denmark signs DKK 10 million partnership agreement with the IOM to assist Pakistani authorities
Islamabad: The Government of Denmark signed a DKK 10 million partnership agreement this week with the International Organization for Migration (IOM) – UN Migration Agency in Pakistan to assist Pakistani authorities and build capacity to meet the challenges occurred on Pakistan as a result of irregular migration.
Under the signed partnership agreement, Denmark will provide funds to implement a comprehensive and coordinated response to combat Trafficking in Persons (TIP) and Smuggling of Migrants (SOM) in Pakistan.
The partnership agreement was signed by the Lis Rosenholm, Ambassador of Denmark to Pakistan and Ms. Mio Sato, Chief of Mission, IOM Pakistan at the Danish Embassy in Islamabad.
IOM, in close partnership with the Federal Investigation Agency of Pakistan will implement a range of activities relating to prevention of TIP and SOM as well as ensuring protection of victims of these organized crimes. IOM Pakistan has closely aligned all project activities with the priorities of the FIA as outlined in their National Action Plan (2021-2025) to Combat TIP and SOM in Pakistan.
Over a duration of three years, IOM will strengthen technical capacities of relevant stakeholders’ immigration and border management officials to prevent irregular migration, work closely with vulnerable populations to encourage regular migration as opposed to irregular migration and provide direct assistance to victims of TIP and SOM, enabling them to sustainably reintegrate into the society.
The new partnership is initiated in pursuance of the successfully implemented project “Enhancing Capacities to Manage Migration and Borders Project” in Pakistan. This project was also funded by Denmark and focused on (i) developing a readmission case management system, (ii) capacity building and institutional strengthening and (iii) improving the evidence base to counter migrants smuggling.
The Ambassador of Denmark, Lis Rosenholm, expressed her appreciation for the close cooperation with the Federal Investigation Agency and IOM, and added “Denmark’s support is in natural extension of the Danish government’s wish to work with international partners to find ways to improve the international response to challenges with irregular migration, including human trafficking and smuggling”.
Speaking at the occasion, Mio Sato thanked the Government of Denmark for their gracious support towards this much-needed initiative. She added, “IOM looks forward to furthering cooperation with the Government of Denmark through this project that would significantly strengthen capacities of the FIA to curb irregular migration from Pakistan in a holistic manner”.